Brand Crush: Sol Coffee

As a strategic communications firm, we understand the power of brand and what can be accomplished when a brand is well-thought out, intentional, and active. As Morgan Burns - Brand & Creative Director at Kane, says “everyone has a brand, even if you think you don’t have one.” In our experience, the key to a good brand is storytelling, which is why at Kane we work with our clients to craft brand stories that are authentically told and are engaging to their audiences. 

Since we are major fans of storytelling and brands here at Kane, we’ve decided to carve out a little place to share some of our favorite brands.

Welcome to “Brand Crush,” a mini-series that focuses on sharing brands that the Kane team is currently crushing on. Like with any crush, these brands make us feel things. They make our hearts leap when we see them and make us feel warm and giddy inside (you know what I am talking about). 

To kick things off, our very first Brand Crush post goes to: Sol Coffee by Lilia Quinaud.

Sol, which translates to "sun”, is a concept coffee brand inspired by the diverse colors and flavors of Brazil. The wordmark takes inspiration from the sinuous shapes of its natural and urban landscapes, followed by a custom bold display typeface.

Sol Coffee image.png

Why are we crushing?

Visually, the Sol coffee brand calls to me. As someone who just spent a whole month traveling in Mexico, the rich colors and bold textures used in the design of their packaging are reminiscent of the small towns that I visited while traveling. These towns are usually amazing spots to find “homemade flavors” and unique celebrations of traditions and culture. 

Sol’s flavors are inspired by the 6 regions of Brazil - Amazônia, Pantanal, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Caatinga & Pampa - and their native fauna, flora and ingredients. With an expanded color palette that is a modern interpretation of the flag's green, yellow and blue, all elements come together on the packaging, keeping the wordmark centred as a source of life and growth.

If I were to describe the feeling that I get from SOL coffee’s brand it would be warmth. Not just because their name is literally the word for “sun” or because they are a coffee brand, but because there is a friendliness to the brand that I believe ties back to the friendliness of Brazil’s culture. The brand doesn’t feel pretentious. Instead it feels welcoming, inviting you in for a nice warm cup of coffee to get your day or evening started. I love the use of lowercase fonts and the shapes used are fun and feel home-y.

I also love the story of how the brand came to be. As a Brazilian expat living in London, Quinaud found it especially hard being away from family and friends during the pandemic. She wanted to make a tribute to her home country, and thus Sol was born. 

Sol’s brand is very well thought out and you can tell that Quinaud poured a lot of heart into building her brand. It’s authentic, engaging but most importantly it tells a story. As it should.

Now, excuse me while I find a good cup of coffee, sit back and take in the Sol.


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