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even clearer.
Visionary leaders thrive on fresh insights. Whether they help you see where you ultimately want to go or identify new ways to get there, this intelligence is essential for realizing the goals you have for your organization.
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Webinars & Events
On Managing Purpose-Driven Brands
What is Branding and How Can A Company Communicate Their Story Through It?
Branding is a concept that is often misunderstood. It is not simply a logo and color scheme, but rather the feelings one has when they experience a company and their products or services. Well-defined brands not only represent the product, but also the way of life a consumer desires.
Embracing a Better Business Model
Business leaders worldwide are communicating 2024 goals internally and externally, while closely watching economic trends, headwinds, and tailwinds. We’re also evaluating demographic and market trends, like the shifting focus away from profit as the primary definition of business success.
Behind the Scenes of an Employer of Choice
Kane presents this webinar for businesses and organizations who want to go behind the scenes of various “employers of choice” and find out what they’ve got that we can learn from.
What Employers Need to Know About the State of Working Women in Wisconsin
Kane presents this webinar for businesses and organizations who want to learn about the recently-released Kane Insights report on Wisconsin working women. We discuss steps employers can take with a panel of Wisconsin women leaders.
How Has COVID Changed Your Audience?
In partnership with the Wisconsin Chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, Kane presents this webinar for businesses and organizations who want to learn about what brands are doing to reach and resonate with their audience after COVID has changed their habits and values.
Building a Realistic Crisis Communications Plan
In partnership with the Public Relations Society of America Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter, Kane presents this practical webinar for businesses and organizations who are feeling vulnerable today without a crisis comms plan in place.
Executive Branding in a Digital World
A company’s executives can be a marketer’s greatest tool for moving the needle on your business objectives. Studies show that when an executive has a strong personal brand, it impacts everything from the company’s ability to recruit and retain talent, to the generation of new business to the company’s market value.
How the Sales Pitch Has Changed
Without the comped courtside seats to basketball and baseball games, lavish dinners, endless meetings for drinks … or even the “I was in the neighborhood” drop-by’s … some sales executives have found new ways to remain relevant, empathize with their prospects, pivot their pitch and continue closing deals.
The Brass Tacks of Re-Opening the Economy
Join us for a webinar, Friday, June 5 at noon, featuring Timothy R. Sheehy, President of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, Manfred Elsig, Deputy Managing Director and Professor of International Relations at the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern, Switzerland., and Rick Appleby, Certified Business Coach and Experienced EOS Implementer™ with Strategic Planning Solutions.
What Role Do Companies Play in Solving Society’s Greatest Challenges?
COVID-19 has been labeled by some as “the great revealer” – tragically showcasing the many disparities that have existed for decades in our society by impacting certain communities and segments of the population at greater rates than others. The pause button this pandemic placed on our lives has shed light on issues that many activists have been asking us to listen to for years.
Reporting on the Front Lines of COVID-19
a pandemic? How do you find truth when mixed messages and misinformation swirl around you? How do you personally handle the tragedy and deep divisions created by this pandemic? And how do you find stories and report on information other than COVID-19 today?
The Emotional Side of Leadership
The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched and challenged our leaders to manage so much more than just their operations. They have needed to manage emotions on a scale like never before. When employees are dealing with fear, anxiety and other emotions, how do you motivate? How do you possibly deliver even more bad news when they are already feeling so much? And what emotional toll does this take on our leaders?
How to Be an Employer of Choice During a Crisis
In this webinar, Kimberly Kane sat down with three Milwaukee business leaders to capture their advice on how businesses can ensure they maintain strong cultures that help attract and retain great talent during and after the current COVID-19 crisis.
What You Can Learn From Adaptable Leaders
COVID-19 is driving leaders to get creative and learn from industries and sectors outside of their own.