Setting Yourself Up for Success with the Right Team and Strong Core Values

Kimberly Kane Featured on “How’d It Happen” Podcast

Success doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It takes the right team and hard work. Kimberly Kane, President and CEO of Kane Communications Group, sat down with Mike Malatesta for his podcast How’d It Happen. In this episode, Kimberly speaks about her journey to success from being a student-athlete, to pursuing a career in journalism and eventually starting her own communication firm. She shares personal stories about her father and his influence on her pursuit of telling stories. 

While it hasn’t always been an easy journey, the change in the trajectory of her career resulted in the successful launch of Kane Communications Group. The company focuses on crisis communication, reputation management and strategic communication planning. Kimberly breaks down the concepts of core values and how to incorporate them consistently in a company, the impact of high expectations on your quality of life and what it means to set the bar high.

To listen to the podcast episode, click here.


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