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even clearer.

Visionary leaders thrive on fresh insights. Whether they help you see where you ultimately want to go or identify new ways to get there, this intelligence is essential for realizing the goals you have for your organization.

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On Managing Purpose-Driven Brands


Insights Kimberly Kane Insights Kimberly Kane

Leadership Takes Courage

As an entrepreneur and mom of four, I can hardly remember a day that I didn’t reflect on this statement. Hiring my first employee, signing our first office lease, teaching my boys how to drive. Throughout our lives, we encounter countless situations that make us feel unprepared, insecure, even scared. How do we confront these emotions? How do we work through them to discover what’s on the other side? How do we not retreat to what we’ve always known? It takes courage.

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News, Insights Kimberly Kane News, Insights Kimberly Kane

Hiring Your First Employee

When I Ieft my career as a journalist, I didn’t take the traditional route into PR and marketing. I joined a start-up executive search firm and spent five years as a recruiter. This meant I worked with C-suite leaders and hiring managers to understand their business goals and help them find amazing talent, whether they needed one key employee or a full team.

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