Meet Kane’s Spring 2021 Interns

As many colleges and universities shifted courses online due to COVID-19, college students have adapted to a changing work environment. In addition to school, other important aspects of the college experience have moved online, including internships. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the last month, 12% of adults ages 20 to 24 have had to work from home due to the pandemic. 

A prominent stepping stone in one’s career, an internship provides college students the opportunity to get hands-on experience in the workplace and hopefully end up with a full-time position once they are finished. Kane Communications Group managed to evolve our internship program, keeping the hands-on aspects for our interns even though they are working remotely.  There are still so many possibilities for interns to experience what it’s like to work for an agency in the PR industry and learn new skills that will greatly benefit them in the future.

At Kane, we hope to inspire young professionals entering the workforce to learn from their experience and ask questions during the process. We offer interns the opportunity to expand their network, build their resumes and discover their talents through our semester-long program. For spring 2021, Kane selected four highly-motivated interns to join the team. We are excited to introduce them to you.

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Amanda Mizera

Amanda Mizera is a senior finishing her last semester at University of Wisconsin-Madison majoring in Strategic Communications with a minor in Digital Studies. She is fascinated by the world of strategic communications and believes that effective communication is the key to creating positive change in an organization. Amanda embraces leadership opportunities and currently serves as Vice President of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). Amanda enjoys traveling, exploring new restaurants and being with her family. Amanda is excited to work alongside some of the most creative minds in the PR industry and to strengthen her skill-set by learning about PR strategies, brand management, digital strategies and more. 

Fun Fact: Amanda has visited over 10 countries and plans to visit even more when she can!


Allison Manning

Allison Manning is a senior at Marquette University majoring in Public Relations and Advertising. She is also pursuing an accelerated master’s degree in Communication and Media Studies. Allison has a love for forming meaningful relationships and is excited to advance her knowledge of the communication industry. A natural leader, Allison is the Vice President of Community Outreach & Industry Liaison for the Marquette chapter of PRSSA and is also a campus tour guide. Allison is thrilled to join the Kane team and looks forward to learning from some of the top professionals in communications and marketing.

Fun Fact: Allison was briefly featured on the Food Network!

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Kadeja Schultheis

Kadeja Schultheis is a senior at the University of Wisconsin–Madison studying strategic communication with certificates in digital studies and entrepreneurship. As she nears graduation, Kadeja is thrilled to enter the world of communications and be able to apply the skills she’s learned. Kadeja has interned for General Mills and Vyten Career Coaching, and is an active member of the Advertising Club. In her free time, she loves to explore campus restaurants, work out at the gym and spend time with friends. Kadeja is beyond excited to dive head-first into her position at Kane to gain hands-on experience in public relations strategy and become a more well-rounded communicator.

Fun Fact: Kadeja studied abroad in Barcelona and is conversational in Spanish.

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Sherdell Baker

Sherdell Baker is a sophomore journalism major attending Hampton University. As a student, she prides herself on growing her journalistic skills. Sherdell serves as the Social Media Co-Chair for the campus chapter of Black is Gold, and serves as both a contributor and Twitter lead for the digital magazine platform Her Campus (Hampton U). She is also a member of the Student Recruitment Team on campus. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with loved ones, creative writing, and fashion styling. While interning with Kane, Sherdell hopes to learn more about public relations as it relates to journalism, better marketing strategies, and to expand her network. 

Fun Fact: Sherdell has had her own blog since 2018!


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