Should Your Company Be On Clubhouse?

Determining which platforms make sense for your brand

If there’s one word that best describes how businesses operated over the past year, it would be “pivot.” What was once just a funny catchphrase from a Friends episode became one of the most used buzzwords of 2020 and a reminder of our switch to a mostly virtual world. Companies were forced to reimagine how they do business and employees adapted to meet these changing circumstances.

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One challenge companies have always faced is finding creative ways to reach their target audience. That will continue, pandemic or not. Over the past year, this meant solidifying an online presence and engaging with consumers virtually. However, with so many apps, platforms and channels to choose from, it can be overwhelming to keep up. By now, most companies can be found on at least one social media channel - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn - but what about some of the other digital platforms? Should your company create a blog? Join TikTok? What about new audio chat apps, like Clubhouse? 

It’s important to stay up to date on current trends. But just because something is popular doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the best fit for your company. Here are three questions to ask as you explore ways to expand your company’s reach. 

  1. Who is my target audience and how do they consume content?
    First things first, you must understand the audience you’re targeting. While continuing to evolve your product or service is important, it won’t do any good if you’re not reaching the correct consumers. Identifying and understanding your audience’s behaviors is crucial. 

    If you haven’t already, start by creating a general customer profile, including an age range, gender, location, income level, etc. Determining these attributes will serve as a baseline to ensure everyone on your team is on the same page. It’s also a good idea to look at who your competitors target, as that may help identify new segments of your own target audience. 

    When you have a clear understanding of who your audience is, you need to do research to figure out how they consume content. This can be done through a survey, focus group, or interviews, but it’s not a step that should be skipped. While you may think you have a solid understanding of how to best reach consumers, the findings from your research may tell a different story. Take the time to analyze this data and it will save you time and money in the long run. 

  2. Have I done enough research to understand the pros and cons of this platform?
    Once you understand your target audience and how they prefer to interact with your business, start exploring various platforms to find the best fit for your company. You should not only understand which consumers are using these platforms but how this new content creation will impact your workload. Do you have the bandwidth to create relevant content and engage with consumers on a regular basis? Or will your page or account become stagnant? 

    Each platform is different, so you’ll need to determine what works best for your team. If you’re interested in creating a blog or video series, these are more labor-intensive behind the scenes, but may only require one post per month. More traditional social media channels, such as Facebook or Twitter, require various posts each week. And, if you’re exploring Instagram Stories, this can have multiple slides every day. 

    Take note of how other brands use these platforms, too, and jot down any key learnings. There are always risks and rewards, so be sure to do your due diligence beforehand. For example, when most of us are experiencing some form of “Zoom fatigue,” the increasingly popular app, Clubhouse, has taken away the video component to create a community where users can have intimate or large-scale audio-only conversations on a topic of their choice. With members including Drake, Tiffany Haddish, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Oprah, Clubhouse might seem like an obvious choice for your CEO’s next speaking opportunity. However, like Vogue and AP News point out, these conversations are live and mostly unmoderated, which can lead to surprises that could be detrimental to your brand.

  3. Is this an authentic extension of my brand?
    Consumers want to know what brands and companies stand for, and how they’re bringing these values to life. This transparency and honesty are more important than ever before, and it rolls into all parts of a company’s business plan, including marketing and PR strategy. 

    Although one tactic may work wonderfully for another company, it might not be the best fit for your brand. Authenticity is more important than jumping on the bandwagon of a new trend, and consumers take note when companies are opportunistic. 

    Set up a system of checks and balances within your company to ensure the content you’re putting out is in line with your mission and vision. Determining the correct tone may take time, but once this has been solidified, you’ll be able to better engage with consumers and create relationships that will positively impact your company’s sales and reputation. 

The Bottom Line

Make sure you take a moment to pause and do your research before joining a new trend. It can be tempting to take advantage of a platform simply because it’s popular, but by doing your research and developing a well-thought-out strategy, you’ll be better poised for success in the long run. 

If you’re curious about which platforms are best for your company or need assistance reaching your target audience, Kane Communications Group is here for you. Contact us! We’re happy to help.


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