Making the path forward
even clearer.

Visionary leaders thrive on fresh insights. Whether they help you see where you ultimately want to go or identify new ways to get there, this intelligence is essential for realizing the goals you have for your organization.

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On Managing Purpose-Driven Brands


News Stephanie Smith News Stephanie Smith

Why it’s Important to Respond Quickly and Effectively During a Crisis

How quickly a company responds to a crisis has a dramatic impact on their reputation. A strong crisis communication plan will minimize damage and risk and ultimately protect your business. Stephanie reflects on a trending topic in the news about Adidas and how this is a prime example of a business that may need to refresh their crisis communications plan. She also shares seven crucial steps in developing a crisis communication plan.

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Insights Kane Communications Group Insights Kane Communications Group

Responding to a National Crisis

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for responding to national crises or events. We have six tips to help you and your company evaluate whether a response makes sense for your organization.

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Insights Kane Communications Group Insights Kane Communications Group

6 Questions to Ask When the Media Calls

Leveraging local, national and trade media outlets to share your organization’s message is a powerful way to reach a broader audience quickly. And if you’ve done your homework to prepare for the media interview – researching the reporter, rehearsing your key messages and practicing anticipated reporter questions – then the interview should go well.

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Insights Kathleen Elsig Insights Kathleen Elsig

How to Be an Awesome Employer in a Time of Crisis

Katie Rasoul loves working with leaders. She believes awesome leaders build awesome teams. And that making leaders a little more effective will have a positive impact on people and businesses. After several years in HR and talent development leadership roles in the Milwaukee area, Rasoul decided to strike out on her own and launch her own company, Team Awesome Coaching. Her goal: to focus her energy on what she’s most passionate about – helping leaders grow and hone their ability to apply a lense of humanity and belonging to the decisions they make. For Rasoul, it’s not so much about the goals employers pursue, but rather how they do it. In her view, leaders always need to keep in mind the people who work for them.

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Insights Kimberly Kane Insights Kimberly Kane

Leading Your Business Through a Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has created a new set of challenges for leaders who face growing responsibilities of supporting the safety of staff, protecting the reputation of the company, and shoring up the viability of operations.

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News General News General

Kane's Best of 2019

As 2020 kicks off, we’d like to share some of the amazing, results-oriented public relations and marketing work Kane Communications did for our Milwaukee-area clients in 2019. This is just a small taste of all the great work we did on behalf of our clients. Enjoy!

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