Making the path forward
even clearer.

Visionary leaders thrive on fresh insights. Whether they help you see where you ultimately want to go or identify new ways to get there, this intelligence is essential for realizing the goals you have for your organization.

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On Managing Purpose-Driven Brands


Insights, Purpose Kane Communications Group Insights, Purpose Kane Communications Group

Retaining and Recruiting Working Moms

Working mothers accounted for nearly one-third of working women in the United States in 2020. In today’s tight labor market, employers can’t afford to lose this demographic from the workforce. Katharine Foley outlines a few opportunities to make your organization an employer of choice for working mothers.

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Insights Kane Communications Group Insights Kane Communications Group

Responding to a National Crisis

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for responding to national crises or events. We have six tips to help you and your company evaluate whether a response makes sense for your organization.

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Insights Kane Communications Group Insights Kane Communications Group

6 Questions to Ask When the Media Calls

Leveraging local, national and trade media outlets to share your organization’s message is a powerful way to reach a broader audience quickly. And if you’ve done your homework to prepare for the media interview – researching the reporter, rehearsing your key messages and practicing anticipated reporter questions – then the interview should go well.

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Insights Kane Communications Group Insights Kane Communications Group

5 Tips to Help Prepare for a Media Interview

Speaking to the media can be nerve-wracking. Whether it’s your first interview with a Milwaukee news outlet or your fifteenth with national media, preparation is key to your success. When serving as the media spokesperson for your organization, you are asked to represent your company, its values, its brand and the subject matter at hand. That’s a lot to remember even if it’s your own company or it’s your field of expertise. To stay on message, you can never over-prepare. As Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

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