Maintaining Relationships in Today’s Even-more Digital World

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COVID-19 forced many people to become reliant on technology for work, entertainment and keeping in touch with loved ones – both near and far.

In some instances, the forced digital transformation improved the way people communicate and opened new opportunities for the way we interact with one another. However, now entering the fourth month of this new normal, people are experiencing digital overload, feeling overwhelmed by all the screen time and craving time away from technology.

I recommend stepping away from the computer and picking up the phone to call clients to maintain and strengthen your relationship in today’s digital world. Now more than ever there is a new found appreciation of a phone call and handwritten letter.

No, not a pre-scheduled phone call with an agenda, but an impromptu “how are you doing?” phone call that’s intentional and allows the person to step away from their screen and focus on the more intimate conversation on the line.

These conversations will help you maintain and strengthen your client relationship and learn more about what they’re going through right now. And, as you look for non-digital activities, try writing handwritten “just thinking about you” letters. Set a goal for yourself – write one each week.

A surprise handwritten note in the mail is sure to put a smile on the recipient’s face!


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