Making the path forward
even clearer.

Visionary leaders thrive on fresh insights. Whether they help you see where you ultimately want to go or identify new ways to get there, this intelligence is essential for realizing the goals you have for your organization.

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On Managing Purpose-Driven Brands


Insights Sydney Hofer Insights Sydney Hofer

Facing Your Fears - Public Speaking

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to make changes. From the way we do business, to the way we connect with others and the way we communicate. Virtual meetings make turning your camera on a necessity rather than just an option. And it forced those of us who break into a cold sweat just thinking about public speaking to face our fears. That’s not a bad thing!

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Insights Carole Pfeil Insights Carole Pfeil

What It Takes to Be a Successful Leader

A CEO’s job is as difficult as it is important. The high standards and broad expectations of key stakeholders including boards, shareholders, consumers, and employees often create an environment of relentless scrutiny. So what attributes are needed to shape the right culture, set the right strategy, and pull together the right team?

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C-Level Column Steve Jagler C-Level Column Steve Jagler

Intentional Leadership Could Change the World

As a business owner, Stephanie “Deena” Findley recognized the key challenge facing her firm: a shortage of competent people in the workforce pipeline.

She took action to resolve the problem by creating the Findley Foundation, a nonprofit organization that proactively helps people become employable.

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Events & Webinars General Events & Webinars General

Executive Branding in a Digital World

A company’s executives can be a marketer’s greatest tool for moving the needle on your business objectives. Studies show that when an executive has a strong personal brand, it impacts everything from the company’s ability to recruit and retain talent, to the generation of new business to the company’s market value.

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Events & Webinars General Events & Webinars General

The Brass Tacks of Re-Opening the Economy

Join us for a webinar, Friday, June 5 at noon, featuring Timothy R. Sheehy, President of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, Manfred Elsig, Deputy Managing Director and Professor of International Relations at the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern, Switzerland., and Rick Appleby, Certified Business Coach and Experienced EOS Implementer™ with Strategic Planning Solutions.

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Insights Kathleen Elsig Insights Kathleen Elsig

How to Be an Awesome Employer in a Time of Crisis

Katie Rasoul loves working with leaders. She believes awesome leaders build awesome teams. And that making leaders a little more effective will have a positive impact on people and businesses. After several years in HR and talent development leadership roles in the Milwaukee area, Rasoul decided to strike out on her own and launch her own company, Team Awesome Coaching. Her goal: to focus her energy on what she’s most passionate about – helping leaders grow and hone their ability to apply a lense of humanity and belonging to the decisions they make. For Rasoul, it’s not so much about the goals employers pursue, but rather how they do it. In her view, leaders always need to keep in mind the people who work for them.

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C-Level Column Steve Jagler C-Level Column Steve Jagler

Leading with Empathy

Singer/songwriter John Prine was 23 years old and working as a mailman when he wrote that song in 1971. The lyrics reflect an astute sense of empathy for senior citizens by such a young man with his whole life ahead of him.

I’ve been thinking a lot about John Prine and his life’s story lately. As you probably know, Prine recently passed away from complications caused by COVID-19.

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Events & Webinars General Events & Webinars General

The Emotional Side of Leadership

The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched and challenged our leaders to manage so much more than just their operations. They have needed to manage emotions on a scale like never before. When employees are dealing with fear, anxiety and other emotions, how do you motivate? How do you possibly deliver even more bad news when they are already feeling so much? And what emotional toll does this take on our leaders?

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Insights Kimberly Kane Insights Kimberly Kane

Leading Your Business Through a Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has created a new set of challenges for leaders who face growing responsibilities of supporting the safety of staff, protecting the reputation of the company, and shoring up the viability of operations.

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